Group and Associate Members

Organizations and associations are welcome to join APAS as an Associate or Group Member.

The value to both associations/organizations and APAS includes:

  • Utilize each other’s expertise, resources and experience to the benefit of our respective members
  • The ability to inform a larger audience through Associate Members and APAS of respective issues and concerns
  • Their respective capability to provide access to regional, provincial or national decision makers
  • APAS’ ability to utilize their CFA membership to advance the interests of Associate Members through information and alliances, Federal Government exchanges and through CFA policy development processes

For more information on how to become an Associate or Group Member, please contact the APAS office at


Current Group Members
Saskatchewan Conservation and Development Association

Sask Pork

Current APAS Associate Members


Canadian Farmers with Disabilities Registry


Canadian Foodgrains Bank


Chicken Farmers of Saskatchewan


Community Pasture Patrons Association of Saskatchewan


Delta Waterfowl


Farm Management Canada


Hudson Bay Route Association


Red Coat Road and Rail


Saskatchewan Association of Agricultural Societies and Exhibitions


Saskatchewan Beekeepers Association


Saskatchewan Broiler Hatching Egg Producers

Saskatchewan Bison Association


Saskatchewan Cervid Alliance


Saskatchewan Economic Development Association


Saskatchewan Egg Producers


Saskatchewan Farm Stewardship Association


Saskatchewan Irrigation Projects Association




Saskatchewan Oat Development Commission

Sask Organics


Saskatchewan Soil Conservation Association


Landscape Saskatchewan

Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership


Sask Wheat


Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation


Western Canadian Short Line Railway


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