APAS Representatives

APAS representatives are elected for four-year terms during RM elections. The next APAS election is scheduled to take place November 13, 2024, with nominations due by October 9, 2024. Click here to find this year's nomination form along with more information on the roles and responsibilities of an APAS representative.

Each member RM elects one of its ratepayers every four years to serve as its representative to APAS. 

APAS reps are part of a team of dedicated farmers and ranchers that actively contributes to improving the agricultural industry in our province.

What do APAS reps do?

Create Agricultural Policy: APAS reps gather input from producers in their communities, and use it to inform and develop non-partisan agricultural policy through participation in:

  • District meetings
  • APAS general meetings
  • Policy committees/task forces
  • Webinars

Govern: APAS reps sit on APAS policy committees, vote at general meetings, and elect and run as directors for their districts. 

Communicate: Reps ensure that key information flows between APAS, RM councillors and RM ratepayers.

Represent: APAS reps give a voice to their communities by participating in APAS meetings and keeping local RM councillors and individual members informed of APAS activities, policies and current agricultural issues.

Build Community & Expertise: Reps build relationships with other producers across Saskatchewan and develop expertise on a wide range of agricultural and governance issues.

Find your RM's APAS Representative below.

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