Grain Policy Issues

The Canada Grain Act authorizes the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) to create regulations and administer services that help to support the competitive position of Saskatchewan producers. These regulations and services are particularly important to the agricultural sector, which provides over half of Canada's grain exports.

Given the importance of grain production and exports to Saskatchewan's agricultural sector, APAS members have a distinct interest in ensuring the Canada Grain Act and CGC services continue to meet the needs of Saskatchewan producers. 

The CGC mandate is to work in the interests of producers. Let's keep it that way!

Canada Grain Act Review

In April, 2021, APAS participated in the Canada Grain Act review, submitting key recommendations that addressed the priorities identified by our members. These included:
-grain grading
-quality assessment
-other commercial relations in the grain handling and transportation industry

Read APAS's full submission here.

View our April 22, 2021 media release here.

APAS also seeks partnerships with other producer organizations across Canada and within Saskatchewan. During the Grain Act Review, APAS participated in a joint submission with Sask Wheat and Sask Barley to highlight areas of CGC services and policies our organizations would like to see addressed in legislation and policy change. 

Read APAS's joint submission with Sask Wheat and Sask Barley here.

View our April 30, 2021 joint submission media release here.

Other Recent Grains Policy Initiatives

Harmonized Test Weights

In July, 2023, APAS joined Sask Wheat opposing a decision by the CGC to tighten the primary elevator tolerances for test weight and total foreign material to export tolerances for most western Canadian wheat classes. 

It was feared wheat producers would potentially face significant negative financial implications as harmonized test weight and foreign materials may lead to quality downgrades and lower prices at primary elevators. 

Thankfully, the decision was quickly reversed later that month. 

News releases:
Sask Wheat and APAS call for reversal of CGC decision on test weight standards
APAS concerned about test weight standards for current grain contracts
APAS applauds reversal of CGC's test weight standard decision

Grain Contracts

Grain contract reform is a major priority for APAS members, as identified in numerous resolutions and policy statements carried by our representatives. Our goal is simple: transparency, balance, and predictability.

Op-ed: Grain Contract issues far from 'settled'
News release: One-sided grain contracts need to change
Mercantile Report on grain contracts, 2022
News release: Grain contracts "heavily titled" in favour of buyers, according to new report

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