March 3, 2022 (Regina, SK) – The Agricultural Producers Association of Saskatchewan (APAS) has launched an online survey to collect feedback from Saskatchewan producers about changes to agricultural programs that are up for renewal in 2023.

The federal and provincial governments are currently holding consultations for the next federal/provincial policy agreement that covers many aspects of agricultural programming, including business risk management, trade, research, and environmental programs.

APAS launched a Task Force last fall to review existing programs and prepare recommendations for these consultations. The Task Force has completed the first phase of its work and is looking for producer feedback on potential changes to business risk management programs, such as AgriInvest, AgriStability, and AgriInsurance, as well as federal trade and research programs. The Task Force is seeking feedback on 19 draft recommendations, covering six program areas. A summary of the APAS recommendations are linked here:

“These programs affect our operations as producers,” said Bill Prybylski, APAS Vice President and Chair of the NPF Task Force. “They also play an important role in the economy by ensuring there is financial backstop in place to protect our producers from economic and production risks like last year’s devastating drought. We want to hear directly from our members and other organizations to ensure these recommendations meet the needs of producers from all sectors and areas of the province.”

The Online Survey will remain open until the end of March and is accessible here, or through the APAS website.

For more information, read our news release.