Call to Action:

On behalf of Saskatchewan producers, contact your MP and MLA to support improvements to the AgriStability program.

Key Points:

  • The federal and provincial governments are talking about making improvements to AgriStability that would:
    • Remove the AgriStability reference margin limit.
    • Increase AgriStability payment levels from 70% to 80%.
    • Share the cost (60% covered by the federal government; 40% covered by the provinces)
  • This is the first significant proposal to put new money into AgriStability since 2013.
  • These changes would be retroactive for 2020.
  • These changes are the first step towards negotiating longer-term improvements as part of the next five-year agreement, which starts in 2023.
  • APAS has advocated for improvements to AgriStability for many years and supports the proposed changes.
  • The proposed changes are also supported by the Canadian Federation of Agriculture and by the vast majority of producer and commodity organizations in Saskatchewan and across Canada.

Tell your MP and MLA that you support improvements to AgriStability!

Saskatchewan MLA Contact information

MP Contact information