Recent proposals on seed royalties have generated a great deal of interest and discussion amongst Western Canadian farmers. Last winter, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency launched consultations on the future of crop breeding in Canada. A series of public meetings were held across Canada where federal officials sought feedback on new models to collect royalties on saved seed. An online phase of the consultations is expected later this year.

The purpose of the Producer Survey is to gather feedback directly from farmers, to gauge awareness of the proposals and seek your initial viewpoints. We want to keep the discussion going on seed royalties to help shape our input into the next round of consultations.

We want to hear directly from producers on this important issue. Space is provided under each question for respondents to submit written comments and suggestions. There is an opportunity at the end of the survey to enter your contact information to win a prize and receive updates on the consultations and how our organizations are responding on behalf of members.

Please take a few minutes to complete the survey at