APAS is pleased to announce that we have partnered with The Co-operators and The Edge Benefits to offer our members valuable disability insurance to provide income protection and business overhead expense coverage in the event of an injury as part of the Member Benefits Program.

Naturally, farmers insure their physical assets, but very few have income or business overhead protection to protect their most valuable asset – themselves and their farm hands.

We have prepared a Basic Disability Package for APAS members that includes $2,000/month income replacement, a fracture event benefit, and $50,000 Accidental Death & Dismemberment. This exclusive offer features a 10% discount and costs as little as $2/day. Injury and accident coverage with The Edge Benefits is straightforward and easy to apply for, is guaranteed to issue, and is completely customizable to suit each farmer’s unique needs.

APAS members also have the option to add Business Overhead Coverage for Injuries at a 10% discount. This extra protection provides monthly reimbursement for fixed operating expenses such as lease payments, interest on debt, utilities, equipment rental, employee salaries, and more – including the ability to hire a replacement farmer – to ensure the farm continues to thrive during unexpected absences.

We encourage you to share this announcement within your district so farmers can take advantage of these offers and secure coverage before farming season begins.

For more information and to purchase coverage, contact The Edge Benefits at 1-877-531-EDGE (3343) or apas@edgebenefits.com, or reach out to a local Co-operators Financial Advisor.