APAS has passed a resolution concerning mental health supports for farmers and is proud to be a sponsor of the Do More Ag Foundation. We recognize that, for some, assistance is needed right away. APAS encourages anyone dealing with significant stress or a mental health crisis to seek immediate help from one of the resources listed below.

If you have a resource to add to this list or a correction to make, please contact info@apas.ca.

  • Saskatchewan Farm Stress Line: 1-800-667-4442. Available 24/7. Free and confidential. There is no call display. Operated by Mobile Crisis Services out of Regina.
  • Healthline: 811. Staffed by licensed health care professionals 24 hours a day and free of charge. HealthLine’s registered psychiatric nurses and social workers can offer crisis counseling and strategies to help you manage your situation or give you information about resources in your community.
  • University of Regina – Free Online Therapy Unit for depression, anxiety, and or pain; available to residents of Saskatchewan only. Apply at www.onlinetherapyuser.ca. For more information: 306-337-3331 or email Online.Therapy.User@uregina.ca
  • The Agricultural Health and Safety Network- ​Daily Chore: Handling Stress on the Farm
  • The Do More Agriculture Foundation - Launched in 2018 by co-founders Kim Keller, Lesley Rae Kelly, Himanshu Singh, and Kirk Muyres. Do More aims to champion the mental well being of all ag producers. DO More has partnered with FCC to provide funding for Mental Health First Aid courses in Canadian agricultural communities. www.domore.ag
  • To find a psychologist near you in Saskatchewan: www.psychsask.ca/
  • Farm Credit Canada - FCC has published a series of articles and resources about mental wellness called 'Rooted in Strength.' Read them here.

Regional Crisis Lines and Support Centres

Not every centre provides the same level of service, however, all listed maintain a crisis line that anyone can call for support, usually 24/7.

Canadian Mental Health Association

The CMHA has branches in Estevan, the Battlefords, Kindersley, Moose Jaw, Prince Albert, Regina, Saskatoon, Swift Current, and Weyburn. CMHA Saskatchewan also has a Systems Navigator that will help direct you to the most appropriate health services to meet your needs. She can be contacted at angelicabarth@gmail.com.

Mental Health First Aid and other training

Everyone knows that someone who is choking, having a heart attack or experiencing another physical health emergency requires first aid until professional help arrives. This same concept can be applied to mental health as well. Mental Health First Aid was developed to help people provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis.

Road to Mental Readiness - Canadian Mental Health Commission

https://www.mentalhealthcommission.ca/English/road-mental-readiness-r2mr. Contact Mike Slater at mslater@moosejawems.ca

Bridges Health - Psychological Health and Safety Programs and Services

Bridges Health is Saskatchewan’s largest locally owned multi-disciplinary workplace wellness resource. Bridges Health provides health and wellness strategies that include, but is not limited to, healthcare navigation, mental health awareness training, return to work coordination, attendance support and injury management. Bridges Health has facilitators certified to offer Mental Health First Aid workshops, along with a training curriculum specifically dedicated to organizational leaders and those who supervise or manage staff, as well as a curriculum dedicated to a more diverse audience.  Bridges Health has also developed an innovative program called MINDfull™, which is intended to guide organizations in promoting mental health and preventing psychological harm at work by implementing the voluntary guidelines established in the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace.  To learn more, please visit their website at www.bridgeshealth.com .

ASIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training)

ASIST teaches participants to recognize when someone may have thoughts of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety. Find the next course in your area at https://www.livingworks.net/training-and-trainers/find-a-training-workshop/

Mental Health Apps

There are a number of apps that can be used to help with mental wellness. Here is a list of 10 that are recommended by a psychotherapist.