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Resolution Title: Inquiry into Causes/Costs of Grain Backlog
Year: 2014
Resolution #: ETSG-03-2015 AGM

Department: APAS

WHEREAS Prairie Grain Producers lost an estimated 5 billion dollars last year due to failure of the grain handling and transportation system to move grain to port in a timely and orderly way;

WHEREAS with approximately 60,000 grain producers in western Canada, these losses represent an average of $80,000 of lost revenue per farm family;

WHEREAS the problems with grain handling and transportation have not been totally resolved;

WHEREAS no other sector of the economy would tolerate such losses;

BE IT RESOLVED that APAS take the lead in forming a coalition that is tasked with accurately determining what happened in rail transportation, what the costs were to grain producers, the federal and provincial economies, and who was responsible.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that APAS use the findings to lead a lobby to have positive changes made.

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