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Resolution Title: Mandatory Maximum Residue Limits Testing for Glyphosate
Year: 2019
Resolution #: C&T10-2019

WHEREAS The Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for glyphosate are facing increased scrutiny in world markets and Canada needs to maintain its international reputation; 

WHEREAS Grain deliveries in Eastern Canada are subject to MRL testing for glyphosate at the time of delivery while MRL tests for glyphosate on western Canadian grain exports are conducted at port or train position; 

WHEREAS producers can be held liable if a grain delivery exceeding the MRLs for glyphosate is found to have contaminated a shipment;

WHEREAS Producers can ensure their grain production meets MRLs for glyphosate by following label instructions and the “Keep It Clean” guidelines; 

BE IT RESOLVED That APAS examine the potential for grain deliveries at primary elevators to be subject to Maximum Residue Limit testing for glyphosate.  

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