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Resolution Title: Remove Carbon Tax from all Propane and Natural Gas Used for Grain Drying
Year: 2019
Resolution #: L&E3-2019

WHEREAS The government of Canada introduced Carbon pricing as a mechanism to address climate change; 

WHEREAS Effective April 2019, the per litre carbon tax on propane was $.0310/litre and natural gas $.0391/m3 climbing to $.0774/litre and $.0979/m3 respectively by April 2022; 

WHEREAS Billions of dollars of stored Western Canadian crops are at risk of spoilage unless dried; 

WHEREAS Agricultural producers trying to salvage their crops by drying them for storage and marketing have no option but propane or natural gas and cannot recapture the carbon tax expenditure when selling on the international market; 

BE IT RESOLVED That the Government of Canada exempt propane and natural gas, used on farm for the drying of grains, from the carbon tax and reimburse the tax on grain drying incurred during the 2019 production year. 

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