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Resolution Title: Trade and Market Development Programs
Year: 2021
Resolution #: E&T2

WHEREAS the federal government is developing market support programs for the 2023-2028 policy framework;

WHEREAS trade access and market development programs are important for diversifying market and production opportunities in the sector;

WHEREAS smaller acres crops and niche commodities may not have the fiscal capacity to meet cost-shared funding thresholds, address emerging trade restrictions or promote their products in domestic markets;

BE IT RESOLVED that APAS work with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to ensure federal trade and market development programs meet the needs of smaller acre crops and niche commodities through program changes that provide:
- Funding for domestic market development, including activities to promote the health benefits of agriculture and agri-food products to Canadians;
- Financial assistance to help sectors resolve emerging non-tariff trade restrictions, including technical and political barriers to trade in overseas markets;
- Flexible funding agreements for commodity associations that are unable to meet existing cost-shared funding ratio requirements 

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