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Resolution Title: Omission of Zero-Tillage Protocols from Allowable Carbon offsets Credits
Year: 2021
Resolution #: L&E5

WHEREAS Saskatchewan producers have made significant contributions to carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation through the use of zero-tillage;

WHEREAS the federal and provincial governments have stated they will not support a carbon offset for zero-tillage because more than 40% of the agricultural sector has adopted the practice;

WHEREAS the federal government uses the carbon sequestration values from zero tillage to calculate Canada’s National Carbon Inventory, while excluding the practice as an eligible offset because it is adopted by more than 40% of the agricultural sector;

WHEREAS the federal protocols are being used as standards to inform the provincial offset programs currently under development;

BE IT RESOLVED that APAS express our extreme disappointment with provincial and federal governments regarding the decision to disallow not allow zero-tillage offset protocols for Prairie producers because of our high adoption rate; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that APAS continue to advocate for the recognition of producer achievements in sequestering carbon through our farming practices.

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