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Resolution Title: Producer Majority on the Western Grains Standards Committee
Year: 2023
Resolution #: C&T 4-23

WHEREAS The Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) sets grain standards on the basis of recommendations from the Western and Eastern Grain Standards Committees;

WHEREAS the recommendations from the standards committee play a crucial role in the CGC’s mandate to establish and maintain grain quality standards “in the interests of grain producers”;

WHEREAS the Canada Grain Act states the Western Grain Standards Committee shall include twenty-five members, comprised of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada appointments (2), CGC officials (3), producers (12), exporters (2), processors (2) and up to four members selected at the discretion of the CGC;

WHEREAS the CGC has four discretionary positions that could be used to ensure producers have a majority vote on Western Grain Standards Committee recommendations;

BE IT RESOLVED that APAS request the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) fill its four discretionary positions to Western Grain Standards Committee with producer representatives.

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