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Resolution Title: Veterinary Services
Year: 2023
Resolution #: L 1-23

WHEREAS many people in rural Saskatchewan, whether a livestock or pet owner, utilize veterinary services on a regular basis;

WHEREAS veterinary services are an essential service for ranchers in rural Saskatchewan to ensure their livelihood;

WHEREAS rural communities are facing a lack of veterinary services due to poor veterinary retention, replacement, and recruitment, resulting in an animal welfare issue;

BE IT RESOLVED that APAS lobby the provincial government to provide more incentive programs to help recruit veterinarians and veterinary technicians to rural communities, including, but not limited to, funding for relocation, capital building projects, education, and operating expenses; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that APAS lobby the Saskatchewan Veterinary Medical Association (SVMA) to review the scope of practice to alleviate pressure on veterinarians.

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